To create a database, to create a user and then to give all the permissions on that database to the user.
To create a database, to create a user and then to give all the permissions on that database to the user.
create database my_database_name_to_be_created; create USER 'username_to_be_created'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL ON my_database_name_to_be_created.* TO 'username_to_be_created'@'localhost' ; FLUSH ALL PRIVILEGES;
Linux/ Mysql :
To take a dump of the data base.
mysqldump -u root -p databased_to_be_dumped> dump_file_name.sql;
To create a new database
To create a new database
mysql -u root -p name_of_the_database_to_which_dump_is_loaded < dump_file_name.sql
Linux :
find . -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} .. \;