Monday, July 4, 2011

How to remove few formatting options from CK editor.

  • Download and install CK editor.
  • Make sure that you have given the permissions.
  • Associate the roles with the CK editor profiles.
  • Now edit the appropriate profile. For example if you want to edit the CK editor for the authenticated user then you will have to edit the Advanced profile editor.

  • Click open the "Advanced Options" fieldset.

And copy paste the following code so that it looks like the image on the right.
format_tags = 'p;pre;h4;h5;h6'
removeFormatTags = 'b;big;code;del;dfn;em;font;i;ins;kbd;q;samp;small;span;strike;strong;sub;sup;tt;u;var;h1;h2;h3' 

How to make titles optional and generate title from body text

Head to automatic nodetitles , download and install the module.

Goto /admin/content/node-type/entry under the "Automatic title generation" field set select the second or third option and paste the code below.

//the least number of words in a scentence when trying to extract a complete scentence
$w_sentence= 1;
//if the scentence obtained contains more words than this it will be truncated to this many words and "..."
$w_wordnum = 10;
//if the number of characters after all truncation is above this number it will be truncated to this many characters and "...",  This is to protect agains extremely long words
$w_maxchar = 50;

// this is the name of the cck node token you want to use for example"
$bodyfield = '[field_sms_text-formatted]';

function summarize($paragraph, $limit)
    // cuts the 
           $tok = strtok($paragraph, " ");
               $text .= " $tok";
               if(($words >= $limit) && ((substr($tok, -1) == "!")||(substr($tok, -1) == ".")))
               $tok = strtok(" ");
           return ltrim($text);

function shorten_string($string, $wordsreturned)
     /*  Returns the first $wordsreturned out of $string.  If string
    contains more words than $wordsreturned, the entire string
    is returned.
    $retval = $string;    //    Just in case of a problem
    $array = explode(" ", $string);
    if (count($array)<=$wordsreturned)
    /*  Already short enough, return the whole thing
        $retval = $string;
    /*  Need to chop of some words
        array_splice($array, $wordsreturned);
        $retval = implode(" ", $array)."...";
    return $retval;

// if somone managed to put in html we have to clean it out
$bodyfield = strip_tags($bodyfield);    

// multiple spaces in my editor were correctly converted to hardspaces but it confuses drupal so we need to remove them
$bodyfield = str_replace(' ', " ", $bodyfield);
$bodyfield = trim($bodyfield);

$bodyfield = summarize($bodyfield, $w_sentence);
$bodyfield = shorten_string($bodyfield, $w_wordnum);

// to protect agains extremely long words we also have a character based rule
if(strlen($bodyfield) > $w_maxchar )
    $bodyfield = substr($bodyfield,0,$w_maxchar)."...";
print check_plain($bodyfield);